Offer of the major LB MINERALS company products
Kaolin is special clay with high contents of a mineral called kaolinite. The technological properties of kaolin are influenced by a whole range of factors, which are given by the specific properties of the deposit. Their variety enables a production of products for a completely different use and sale under special trademarks.
Clays are fine-grained sediments formed mainly by clay minerals. According to the prevailing component we can define kaolinite, montmorillonitic and illitic clays. Various types of clays found in these locations differ in their origin, composition, and subsequently, their technological properties. Such properties enable the application in the various sectors.
Feldspars are anhydrous aluminosilicates, originated by the crystallization of eruptive rocks, representing the most frequent rock-forming element. According to the prevailing component we can define potassium, sodium-potassium and sodium-calcium feldspars.
The extraction of aggregates and sands on individual localities has a long tradition. Aggregates and sands are extracted on some localities as a supporting raw material, somewhere it is a separate extraction. The material is modified by washing, drainage, sorting, mixing and some fractions are even dried.
In the LB MINERALS company, from the own sources there are produced also such products that are applied to the consumer market. These products are sorbents, a litter and filter kieselguhr.
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